Even though the title was not true, this is a post about.. in fact...
I like to refer to my friend Dave Barry. He wrote a book about the complete guide to guys. He talks about the different thoughts going through a boys head and a girls head. Us girls are so complex and take every single emotion boys do and twist it into some conclusion, where as boys are usually thinking of one thing or another and don't really think much of what we did or said in the first place.
Why am I saying this?
Because in the back of every girl's mind, after a dance/date, they will always wonder if there will be a doorstep kiss. Always. 100% of the time.

But the truth is, most guys don't think like that. If they like you, there will be a kiss. If they don't, there won't be. (Well sometimes they get scared if they like you, but they don't over analyze like females do)

To girls it doesn't matter if we like you or not, we will wonder if you make the move. We make plans in all scenarios
(a) I guess I could kiss him back?
(b) I will hug him as fast as I can to make sure he knows I don't want more.
(c) If he's not making the move, I will pull a "hitch" and start wrestling with my keys.
(d) I will kiss him on the cheek.
(e) Well we had a really nice time, but maybe he will think i'm his girlfriend, maybe I will make it clear I don't want a relationship, but I still I want him to kiss me, so I'll make it clear before hand, and if he tries I will still let him kiss me ... <---- Blah Blah Blah. We are SO complicated.

(a) I like her -----> Kiss her if I don't chicken out
(b) I don't like her -------> Quick hug, maybe a little pat on the back to insure the friend zone and run.

With school dances I have this theory.
We have all heard about people getting doorstep kisses, and even though that's 1/100 chance, we always think we will get lucky.
Now here, for your entertainment, are some of the best and worst doorstep scenes I heard from different people or about myself
"Even after we hugged at his door, he walked me back to my car just to open my door"
"He kissed me. 2 years later we are still together"
"He picked me up and spun me around and thanked me a ton for coming with him"
"After the dance, right before my door he spun me and dipped me and then kissed me"
"She just said how much fun she had and couldn't want to hang out with me again soon. I guess it just showed me she actually had a good time"
"I totally threw up all over my dress and his suit"
"He didn't even get out of the car. He just stared at me and said 'so you getting out?' After our first date"
"She said she didn't want me to walk her to the door to avoid the awkward doorstep scene. Like, I wasn't even going to try anything"
"I slipped on the ice going up to my door"
"He tried to get a kiss. But he missed"
"Pretty sure he tried to have a make out sesh, like no. Get off me"
"I shook his hand and ran"
"I put forth 100%. I pretty much attacked him by kissing him because I was sure he wanted to kiss me. False. Indeed, he did not."
"I peed my pants right when he tried to kiss me. On our first date"
Keep the conversation light and going all the way up the door, no need to walk in solemn silence. This isn't a morbid experience, well not unless it was an awful date. If they asked you on the date, make sure to give them a solid hug especially because it probably took courage to ask you. If you asked them, make sure you don't act like asking them was the wrong choice.
All in all, a kiss will happen if it's supposed to happen.
Don't plan it, don't stress it, don't worry about it.
And never, ever, ever
Kiss on the first date. It may or may not turn out like this:

Well folks, good luck with all the door step scenes you'll face from now until marriage. I wish you all the best. Over n' out.
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