Saturday, September 8, 2012

How Will YOU Be Remembered?

A lot of people have been talking lately about how they want people to remember them once they leave high school. It got me thinking, how do I want people to remember me? How do you even get to that point of being "Remembered"?

Here's the problem. So many people try so hard to be out there to get everyone's acceptance, that they don't realize the people who are really there for them.

Here's my advice on how to be remembered once you leave the hallways of high school.

Don't stress so much about if you will be remembered or not. The more you worry about how people will remember you, the more down you feel on yourself. You think "If I don't make everyone think I was so nice after I left, I have failed." ERR wrong! It's more important that you set out to serve others, and be yourself, than it is to make everyone think a specific word about you! It's more important to help others with what they need, other than helping others to get what you want.

 (Austin Powers reference, "#2")

Don't tear down others, to make yourself look better. 

How many of you have heard a person say something bad about someone else, and then try and say that they are better than that person. Heck, I know i've done it! We all have! You're not gonna be remembered the way you want if you're tearing someone else down. When people are saying bad things to me about others, I wonder what they say behind my back?

Get Involved. 
Go do something! This doesn't necessarily mean go do something crazy, but be involved and engaged with getting to know others. You have to be you, but you have to be willing to be involved with helping other people. You have to be involved with becoming a friend. 

All in all, 
And you will be remembered.