For the people who generally are annoying in high school, I usually get over it pretty quick and actually get to know them better.
But I decided I was going to make a "Top 5" Most annoying people list. This may or may not have to do with high school, but I think all high school kids can relate.
#5 The People Who Never Stop Calling

For me those people would be the American Red Cross. I donated a lot last year, and this year I just haven't found the time to go back in. I kid you not, they call me at least 3 times a day EVERY DAY. I don't answer any of them for 3 months, and they won't stop! I would rather them come up to my door, start a small conversation and then just out of rage stick a needle into my arm and take the blood. It is so annoying for them to keep calling.
Maybe you have someone or an organization calling you every five minutes? Anyway. People just need to get the message.
#4 The Kiosk People

You're at the mall. You have a mission. If you are a girl, you will most likely take many detours and extra routes to get to that one store you really need to get to. If you're a boy, you go straight to the destination, and then abandon ship. As I like to call it, "You ditch the sitch".
But there is one thing that boys and girls to relate to. We don't have "visit kiosk" anywhere on our agenda. It's not part of the detours, the mission plan, the route, the destination, the journey, and blah blah blah. Why do the people insist we come!! They lure you in like, "You're skin looks healthy! What do you use?" "Do you play sports?" "Can I ask you a question? (didn't leave me much of a choice there did ya?)" and it NEVER ENDS. When you get bored of listening to them, you try and come up with any excuse to leave and they act desperate. It's so annoying!!
#3 Chatty Cathy

The people who NEVER STOP TALKING. I mean the people who won't let you get in a word in. The people who it is all about them, 24/7. Don't get me wrong, I think all of us can be a little self centered with our opinion sometimes, but I'm talking about the people who always are. They are the kind of people when you tell them something exciting, they have to think of something better and outdo whatever you said. *Come at me bro.*
#2 Slow Register Workers/Clothing Store Workers

You know those days? When your patience is tested? You wait in a huge line to buy something, and when you reach the front you are annoyed but you feel victory. AND THEN, the person at the register goes sooooo slow. Or let's say you're really hungry and you're at a place to eat that you stand in line and then buy your food. You can see your food sitting there with your stomach making whale dying noises. The person at the register messes up 10 times before you get to taste the goodness.
The second part is people at clothing stores. The people that follow you around in a store, constantly asking if you need help. Or just trying to talk to you... *Get Off ME*

There is nothing more annoying in this world than a slow driver. Especially when you're riding their butt, and they won't pull over or go faster. I had an experience this week, as I'm sure lots of you have had a similar one. I was late for school, and rushing to get there on time. If any of you have seen the MVHS parking lot, you'll understand it is full of mountain-like speed bumps. Most people go over them fairly quickly. Well I was caught behind this person all the way from the light to the school. The speed limit was 35 and they were going 20. Once we were in the parking lot, they were going SNAIL SPEED over the speed bumps. When I say snail speed, I mean it felt like I had missed half of first period by the time they got over the first one. I was honking and being obnoxious, which isn't usually my forte. I like keeping cool, and just dealing with it. This was the first time I've really been that mean to another driver but COME ON. We are obviously both late, could you manage to push the gas pedal just a little bit more?
All in all,
I hope I didn't offend anyone who might be part of one of these checklists. If I did, I'm sorry but it is the truth. I'm sure you're not the problem if you're truly offended.
Annoying people.. Got to go.
Sometimes we all just need our space, sometimes we just need you to stop.
Those Israeli kiosk people are about to get stabbed. I seriously can't stand them.
ReplyDeleteSounds like someone might be a little bit too aggressive when they are driving... Tailgating someone is generally a bad idea and I say this in a loving manner. I am not judging I just don't want you to ever get in a car accident.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I probably should have been more mature and smart about my reaction to being annoyed :)