High school RIVALS. A lot of schools actually hate their school rivals, but not MV and Orem. Even though we get super competitive and mean on game day, after that's all passed we are all friends again. I don't really know why we are like that, but I like it. That game was awesome! Even though Orem won, it was great. It was cool to see everyone wearing white, while orem all wore black. I really do love rival games, and I think everyone can agree that they are one of the best things about high school.
Rival games are so fun! You get to get all painted up and go CRAZY. Also, the pep rallies! This year my friend Nicole and I are in charge of the pep rallies. MV had a really good one! It was very successful! Jadon pace, Mr. Glahn, Mr. Fong, and Mr. Herriford all got pie to the face (and we forgot to get the towels to wipe their faces off-- oops!) Davy and Jadon both got cool hoodies!
That day was crazy. First I only went to first period. After that Nicole and I were setting up the rally alllll dayyyyyy longgggg. It was a lot of work, but I think that's the only way we kept from having a break down. Thank you for all those who helped us!
After the rally the typical high school thing happened. You see your ex with someone new, and you're just like... ah. Oh well. I think most people can relate to me when I say the feeling sucks. But I decided to write a little bit about it because I think I came up with a solution.
Be Nice To Them.
It's the weirdest thing! I decided to approach the situation and be as nice as I could. Suddenly every emotion I had built up on the whole thing was gone. I was a little sarcastic about talking to them earlier that week, but not this time. I would truly be friends with them.
So for all those who are dealing with it (jealousy) there is hope! It only takes a couple minutes of nicely talking to them (don't try and make it awkward... it doesn't work) and suddenly you're over it. It's healing and it stops any more high school drama from happening.
I think this is the first time I've really opened up in my blog, but that's because I don't like to make it about me. I don't like to sit here and whine about my problems or brag about any accomplishments. But I think this is different because maybe you can relate and maybe I can offer some advice.
Jealousy is a sick thing in high school. Not only when it comes to your exes, but also just normal other people. Sometimes I look at people and think *Why can't I just be as liked as her?* or *Why can't I be as skinny as her?*
It can RUIN high school. That was me last year. My junior year was spent constantly thinking about how I can get others to approve me. How I can have a good reputation. I decided to throw that out the window, and try to be there for others. Don't let jealousy get in the way of what really matters, and go out there and help!
Okay nuff' of that. Wow that was really random, I'm sorry.
A big thing happened to Utah yesterday.A big change announced on LDS general conference. Missionaries can now leave younger. Boys can go when they are 18, and girls can go when they are 19. I don't feel bad for posting about this, because 95% of my readers are from Orem. So a lot of people know this.
My plan was always to go to Hawaii. I would leave right after graduation and start on my Marine Biology career. BYU Hawaii, and then eventually Hawaii Pacific University. Then this curve ball happened.
I'm now staying in Utah for a year, and then leaving on a full time LDS mission (hopefully) on my 19th birthday. (full time for girls is 18 months, and boy it is 24 months, in case you were wondering)
I feel like I want to talk about this because a lot of us have a plan. Or our plan is to figure out a plan later on. A lot of high school kids have plans, not just LDS kids. We have places we want to go and sights we want to see. Then life changes. People change. PLANS CHANGE.
Suddenly you're like, wait what do I do now?
It takes a lot of self discipline to make new plans even if you were set on something else. It takes a lot to keep a good attitude. Even if you chose this new path, it's hard to say goodbye to the old one.
But if you do it well, and you stay positive, it WILL WORK OUT.
I hope everyone comes up with plans and they all work out :)

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