Either they are entertaining or lame beyond belief.
Either they are entertaining or lame beyond belief.
Either they are entertaining or lame beyond belief.
After copying and pasting that twice, I realized it still didn't add the emphasis I was hoping for. I hope you still got the point. I think we all can cope with each other in that the internet became highly entertaining and that blogs used to be fun to read. Well they used to be actually entertaining, not just something to do to avoid homework. What ever happened to those days where you'd just sit and read blogs and laugh your head off? Or cry from how truly inspirational they were? (Hopefully you weren't bawling, and if you were don't tell anyone). Those days where Facebook news feed could keep you busy for hours because it was enjoyable? Now it's just addicting because of how annoying it's gotten. Since when were people ever allowed to create profiles for there pets?
In other news. I hope you are entertained by my highly typical average senior year. The point of this blog is to not talk about me, but talk about high school in general instead so that people can maybe relate. Maybe answer the questions that people are just dying to know.
Like why are science teachers never smiling? Scratch that. Why are girls always going to the bathrooms in groups?
Okay maybe not the die hard questions to life, but maybe things that we can all relate to that we all deal with in high school. Maybe you'll read this in junior high and see what is to come. Maybe you're past the high school years, and want to see how times have changed or share your own funny stories of high school to help us uneducated younglings. Maybe you're in high school reading this and thinking "Hey I'm not alone. And maybe, just maybe, I was wrong about seeing myself as a weirdo and I am actually quite normal."
So I've decided i'm going to write about the senior year of a high school kid. I'm going to open it up to my friends especially, and they will help me with their own personal experiences. This blog is hopefully for advice and enjoyment.
If you think this blog sounds uber lame, then I want to thank you for telling me I am normal by falling in the 96% of blogs. But if by some chance your somewhat intrigued by the concept, and want to join in on sharing your own stories of high school, please do. And maybe, just possibly, we could fall in that 4% group together. :')
Long story short,
Here's to the kids that need a place to see that everyone is not so different from you after all.
*Cue inspirational music*
Hopefully that whole thing brought some tears to your eyes, and smiles to your faces.
Bring it on, School Year 2012-2013.

Cool idea, I'll certainly read your posts. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! Im happy you like it! :)