There are many types of dancing.
Ballroom, Ballet, Hip Hop, Hitch Dance, and Creep style.
BUT what do you think of when you hear the word dance?
I am officially a blogger. I will apologize for not blogging all week (like most bloggers do). But that's because I felt no inspiration! Until finally I thought of something to write about.
SCHOOL DANCES (specifically slow dances)
Those of you who went to the first MVHS dance, it was actually pretty awesome. I felt like everyone went crazy, and considering it was the first dance it was a pretty good show-up. Not to mention my good friends Joslynn and Emma who made up the playlist (WHICH WAS THE BEST EVER). The music made the dance awesome, and on top of that we had cool lights.
But there's always one black spot on any dance, (which was still pretty fun at our dance, but whatevs), all the other dances I've been to..
Never have I seen so many people evacuate the dance floor, than when a slow song comes on.
68% of people leave the room
12% Interpret dance and secretly become jealous of real slow dancers.
17% slow dance, but dance like crazy people and run their partner into other slow dancing couples.
3% Actually slow dance, and no one dares make eye contact with the rare few.
But if you like someone, and they ask you to slow dance, your life is complete and welcome to the 3%.
I was in seminary on Friday. We did an activity where you write down your biggest fear for the school year. I didn't think much of it at first, but little did I know it would be a life changer. I wrote something along the lines of, leaving high school with regrets was my biggest fear.
That's not the typical answer for the class. There were a couple that said homework and getting bad grades were their fears. But the majority of the class answered with other things. There were a lot of people who were
>Afraid of being alone
>Afraid of being the laughing stock of school
>Afraid of not having a shoulder to cry on
>Afraid of someone or something specific
>Afraid of being left out
>Afraid of not blending in
>Afraid that they won't have any friends in any classes
>Afraid of getting hurt again
>Afraid to even endure high school
My heart hurt. I realized that so many people are afraid of the same thing, which is BEING ALONE. When you're stuck in that stage of life, and we all know what that is, when you feel there is no one. Maybe even that there is no point. You have to look around. There are signs everywhere that life is worth living.
I thought I might relate this to something, and I thought of the ocean (because I love the ocean).
When you think about the ocean, does it ever stop moving? Even with the wind moving against it sometimes, or big animals like whales causing abnormal ripples in the water, it never stops. This might seem like a stupid simile, but life is like the ocean. There will constantly be things working against you. You will go through things like big icebergs, or huge ships working against you, but you can't forget to keep moving. The ocean is huge, it's majestic. You have to think of yourself as someone who can not be stopped. You have to realize how big of a person you can be for others, and for yourself. (On the inside..).
Remember that when you feel alone, 20 other people probably feel the same way. I also noted that there were lots of my friends in that class, and any of them could have written those sad things. I would have NEVER guessed it. Remember that EVERY single person you talk to has their own personal battle, and everyone needs someone there for them.

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