Found this song on Youtube, thought it fit Perfectly...
We all have said it in our lives, and you know the way that I mean.
How many of you have said one of these in your life?
>I will start eating healthy tomorrow.
>I will start running tomorrow.
>I will wake up extra early to finish this project tomorrow before it is due.
>I will clean my room tomorrow.
>I will organize my school stuff tomorrow.
>I will clean my car tomorrow.
>I will do that assignment tomorrow.
>I will study tomorrow before the test.
>I will call them back tomorrow.
>I will do some act of service tomorrow.
>I will work on my online class tomorrow.
>I will do (insert here) tomorrow.
If you couldn't relate to any of those, or answer the insert here blank, I applaud you. You may now read a different post on this blog.
BUT if you somehow could relate to this please enjoy the rest.
We all have done this. It will come. The word TOMORROW.
That's right
8 letters that symbolize the funeral of whatever came before the word tomorrow.
At least you know that while you are stuck in that *Procrastination* mode, you are not alone.
This was the story of my life last year. Especially in physics. I always told myself between the two class periods I would do my homework that night, and the next day study, and the next day would be my test. How did I do?
That happened once. ONCE.
All the other times?
Do the homework the night before, and study my brains out all night, and keep studying through all my classes until B4. I remember saying my reading book for English was my physics textbook and it should count because it's more educational than anything anyone else was reading. She didn't let it pass. I was studying anywhere I could during that day of the test, before that last period. I was reading that textbook during lunch at the school, at ernies, at mcdonalds, in my car, at my house, on the sidewalk, in the classroom, on the stairs, in the gym, in the cheer room, and anywhere else I would be during lunch.
Procrastination, I have concluded,
We have practiced it since junior high. Let's be honest. If procrastinating was a sport, America would have won by a landslide. Well, if anyone would show up on time to the game.
I pretty much consider myself a pro. I am pro at waiting and filling my time with unnecessary things like blogging and Facebook. I have online classes to do right now, and you all know what i'm doing instead. I know a lot of my friends are pro with me.
But if don't like to accept the fact that you can't help but wait, you may ask yourself,
I've gotten a lot of different answers, but the general one people have shared is to tell yourself the assignment or whatever is due the day before it really is. You have to get in the mindset that it really is due tomorrow, and you will be penalized if it is not done (Unless it really is due tomorrow, then think you have until tonight or you fail). If you wanna start actually cutting out sugar and running, think that tomorrow is impossible. It's not even an option. If you don't go today, that goal will be dead. If you constantly tell yourself there will be a tomorrow to do whatever, it will be easier to procrastinate.
But like I said, I'm not good at this. But i'm trying. It's my number 1 senior goal. On the bus ride home from the football game last night, Maddie James asked me if I had thought about my senior goals. I realized I needed to do that, and in honor of waiting so long to make them, I made the goal to stop procrastinating number UNO.
But if you are doing good, and following your goal, and you end up screwing it up one day? Don't be too hard on yourself. If you are late doing an assignment, you are not a failure. You have to fail sometimes in order to be successful. You have to make it a goal to have a CONSTANT EFFORT to not procrastinate, not a goal to be perfect at it.
So let's all go do something
That we said we would do

The best advice that I could offer you is to start your assignments the day that they are assigned if possible. You will have to get used to doing this before you start college or you might not survive. All it takes is being proactive. This may seem difficult at times, but once you see at how important role school will play in your future it will be a rather small sacrifice. I just wanted to give you some input as you were always a good friend of mine Nikki.
Thanks for your input kris! I love it when people want to add to what I write cause it adds a lot more. And I will for sure do that! Thanks for your help! :)